The world needs more diversified sources of international liquidity to allow orderly balance of payments adjustments. 世界需要更多元化的国际流动性来源,以便实现收支平衡的有序调整。
All recoveries or payments recovered or received subsequent to a claim settlement shall be applied as if recovered prior to such settlement and all necessary adjustments shall then be made between the indemnified and the company. 在申索和解后的所有追讨或所有已追讨或已收取的款项,须犹如是在和解前已追讨一样地运用,而所有必需的调整须于其后在获弥偿保障者与公司之间作出。
Resolving payments crises inside a large, closed economy requires huge adjustments, on both sides. 在一个封闭式的大型经济体内部解决收支危机,需要双方进行大刀阔斧的调整。
Generally, the cash payments for operating expenses are determined after three adjustments. 一般说来,发生营业费用支付的现金的确定要经过三次调整。